如同我在上一篇《clink:擴充cmd.exe成為Bash readline命令行的強大編輯功能》篇末提到的無法正確執行autojump,因而找到另一個也能在Windows DOS視窗(命令提示字元)裡快速切換目錄的工具 go-tool:a command-line tool for quick directory switching。go-tool是以建立關鍵字(它稱做shortcut)的方式來操作,建好代表某個資料夾的shortcut後,日後就能以此關鍵字切換到特定目錄。
go-tool和autojump一樣都是使用Python開發,但不能安裝標準的Python系統,否則在使用檔案總管開啟資料夾時會出現‘ImportError: No module named win32api‘錯誤,因為標準的Python系統不含Win32Api模組;我安裝的是含有Win32Api模組的ActivePython 2.7.6,將Python安裝目錄設定到PATH環境變數後,再使用下列步驟完成安裝:
- 由官方網站下載go-tool最新版。
- 將下載的zip檔解壓縮,再切換到該目錄。
- 開啟DOS視窗,執行
python setup.py install
- 再執行
python -m go
用go -h
就能顯示出使用說明,也可以到網站的Getting Started網頁查看。
c:\Users\Jerry\AppData\Local\clink>go -h Quick directory changing. Usage: go <shortcut>[/sub/dir/path] # change directories # same as "go -c ..." go -c|-o|-a|-d|-s ... # cd, open, add, delete, set go --list [<pattern>] # list matching shortcuts Options: -h, --help print this help and exit -V, --version print verion info and exit -c, --cd <path> cd to shortcut path in shell -s, --set <shortcut> <dir> set a shortcut to <dir> -a, --add-current <shortcut> add shortcut to current directory -d, --delete <shortcut> delete the named shortcut -o, --open <path> open the given shortcut path in explorer (Windows only) -l, --list [<pattern>] list current shortcuts Generally you have a set of directories that you commonly visit. Typing these paths in full can be a pain. This script allows one to define a set of directory shortcuts to be able to quickly change to them. For example, I could define 'ko' to represent "D:\trentm\main\Apps\Komodo-devel", then C:\> go ko D:\trentm\main\Apps\Komodo-devel> and C:\> go ko/test D:\trentm\main\Apps\Komodo-devel\test> As well, you can always use some standard shortcuts, such as '~' (home) and '...' (up two dirs). See <http://code.google.com/p/go-tool/> for more information.
先切換到經常使用的資料夾後,輸入go -a shortcut
c: cd \Users\Jerry\AppData\Local go -a apdata
用go -l
就能列出現有的shortcut清單,用go shortcut
go apdata rem 切換到上二層目錄 go ...
go -o shortcut
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