Gogs是一套架設在Windows下的Git Server軟體,使用Go語言撰寫(Gogs正是Go Git Service的縮寫),由對岸網友開發,後來因為社群對其管理模式有疑慮,而分支出另一個Gitea: Git with a cup of tea,本文便是在安裝與設定Gitea的一些備忘紀錄。
d:\gitea> gitea.exe NAME: Gitea - A painless self-hosted Git service USAGE: gitea.exe [global options] command [command options] [arguments...] VERSION: 1.1.2 built with: bindata, sqlite COMMANDS: web Start Gitea web server serv This command should only be called by SSH shell hook Delegate commands to corresponding Git hooks dump Dump Gitea files and database cert Generate self-signed certificate admin Perform admin operations on command line help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command GLOBAL OPTIONS: --help, -h show help --version, -v print the version
只要用gitea web
就能啟用Git server。
d:\gitea> gitea web 2017/06/29 22:43:42 [W] Custom config 'd:/gitea/custom/conf/app.ini' not found, ignore this if you're running first time 2017/06/29 22:43:42 [T] Custom path: d:/gitea/custom 2017/06/29 22:43:42 [T] Log path: d:/gitea/log 2017/06/29 22:43:42 [I] Gitea v1.1.2 built with: bindata, sqlite 2017/06/29 22:43:42 [I] Log Mode: Console(Trace) 2017/06/29 22:43:42 [I] XORM Log Mode: Console(Trace) 2017/06/29 22:43:42 [I] Cache Service Enabled 2017/06/29 22:43:42 [I] Session Service Enabled 2017/06/29 22:43:42 [I] SQLite3 Supported 2017/06/29 22:43:42 [I] Run Mode: Development 2017/06/29 22:43:42 [I] Listen:`
設定檔 app.ini
啟動後第一行就有設定檔的完整路徑:d:\gitea\custom\conf\app.ini。在更新新版時不會覆蓋custom資料夾,因此能保存原有的設定。第一次執行時不會自動產生app.ini,由瀏覽器瀏覽 http://localhost:3000/install 完成安裝程序後才會寫出app.ini。
在安裝網頁裡逐一填入各項設定值即可,資料庫使用SQLite時要注意一點:資料庫檔名必須用完整路徑(如D:\gitea\data\gitea.db),若使用 data/gitea.db 且於服務裡啟動,則資料庫會跑到 C:\Windows\system32\data\gitea.db。
APP_NAME = Gitea: Git with a cup of tea RUN_USER = Administrator RUN_MODE = prod [database] DB_TYPE = sqlite3 HOST = NAME = gitea USER = gitea PASSWD = SSL_MODE = disable PATH = c:/gitea/data/gitea.db [repository] ROOT = c:/git-repo2 [server] PROTOCOL = https DOMAIN = git.??????.com.tw HTTP_PORT = 443 ROOT_URL = https: //git.??????.com.tw/ DISABLE_SSH = true SSH_PORT = 22 LFS_START_SERVER = false OFFLINE_MODE = false CERT_FILE = C:/gitea/custom/https/cert.pem KEY_FILE = C:/gitea/custom/https/key.pem [mailer] ENABLED = true HOST = ??????.com.tw:25 FROM = ??????@??????.com.tw USER = ?????? PASSWD = ?????? [service] REGISTER_EMAIL_CONFIRM = true ENABLE_NOTIFY_MAIL = true DISABLE_REGISTRATION = false ENABLE_CAPTCHA = false REQUIRE_SIGNIN_VIEW = false DEFAULT_KEEP_EMAIL_PRIVATE = false NO_REPLY_ADDRESS = noreply.example.org [picture] DISABLE_GRAVATAR = false ENABLE_FEDERATED_AVATAR = false [session] PROVIDER = file [log] MODE = file LEVEL = Info ROOT_PATH = C:/gitea/logs [security] INSTALL_LOCK = true SECRET_KEY = nC??????U
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