Obsidian(黑曜石) 每日筆記的運用與AutoHotkey腳本快捷按鍵
承襲Roam Rsearch,Obsidian將Daily Notes(每日筆記)獨立成單獨的按鈕,在啟用後就能在左側邊欄點擊(Settings→Plugins→Daily Notes),以建立以日期為檔名的.md檔。
設定裡同時可設定專屬的每日筆記存放資料夾與樣板檔名,設定了樣板後,點擊Daily Notes按鈕後會以設定好的檔名產生樣板內容的檔案。
- 早上到公司後必辦事項清單
- 待辦事項
- 預訂今天要完成的任務
- 本日工作記錄
- 健康紀錄,如喝了多少水
- 工作效率紀錄,專心工作的分鐘數
- 不勝枚舉,自由發揮
- 輸入 d0 產生本日日期連結,如
- 輸入 d+1 產生明日日期連結,d+2是後天
- 輸入 d-1 產生昨日日期連結,d-2是前天
- 按〔Ctrl+q〕顯示日期選擇對話窗,選好按〔OK〕產生日期連結字串
▼ AutoHotkey腳本
– AutoHotkey Scripts for obsidian.md
– obsidian-ahk.exe下載:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qSnFQKukwv5g2o8VLXUV10hIvQkqUfWT/view?usp=sharing
以下是一些來自Obsidian論壇或Roam Research用戶的一些分享,各位可據此聯想、參考,以建立自己的每日筆記樣板:
- [[tasks]]
- [] 任務1
- [] 任務2
- [[daily habits]]
- [[tracking]]
- [[journal]]
## Start-of-Day Reflections
### I am grateful for...
### What would make today great?
### Affirmation
_I am..._
## Schedule
*### Meetings*
*### Work blocks*
## Work Log
## Assorted Thoughts
## End-of-Day Reflections
### What did I learn?
### What am I working on?
### What am I struggling with?
#### Is there help I can get from others?
## Todays Priorities
1 -
2 -
3 -
## How are you?
## Yesterday’s Notes
## Greatful For?
## Today’s Thoughts
## Things I found today
## Thinking ahead
## Organizing the day
#### Highlight of the day
- [x] #tags, [links](), **formatting** supported
- [x] item 2
#### Think of TODOs for today
- [ ] item 1
#### Summary of the day
## Hourly notes
↓Roam Reasearch的語法,必須修改成Obsidian支援的寫法
> [The daily template I use for Roam Research https://roamresearch.com/ · GitHub](https://gist.github.com/jborichevskiy/51508eebc810ae8105be45beac4e16ac)
- Weekly Agenda (created on a different day, and embedded with `/Block Reference`)
- [[Morning Questions]]
- {{[[slider]]}} How many hours of sleep did I get?
- What's one thing top of mind today?
- What's the one thing I need to get done today to make progress?
- Review #[[Index: Questions]] #values
- Agenda
- {{[[TODO]]}} Morning walk #goal-health #habit
- {{[[TODO]]}} Check calendar for scheduled events
- {{[[TODO]]}} Morning focus hour
- {{[[TODO]]}} Read 30 minutes #goal-learning #habit
- {{[[TODO]]}} Review Readwise.io
- {{[[TODO]]}} 10 minutes meditation #goal-health #habit
- {{[[TODO]]}} Workout or run #goal-health #habit
- {{[[TODO]]}} Evening focus hour
- {{[[TODO]]}} Do 7 - 30 - 90 review
- {{[[TODO]]}} read for pleasure, watch something, go for a walk
- [[Evening Questions]]
- List three things I'm grateful for #habit #gratitude
- What made me happy today?
- What made me sad?
- Where there any signs of my day going to shit that I could recognize?
- What prevented me from reaching my goals today?
- What am I looking forward to?
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- 如何轉換AutoHotkey的預設分隔字元:冒號 (2則留言, 2008/03/17)
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- [Tools] 續:撰寫AutoHotKey指令以複製檔案 (0則留言, 2005/06/12)
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