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Kindle .mobi格式即將無法寄信了


今天寄了夾有 .mobi 電子書檔案到Kindle的信箱,收到了自動回覆的信:

「We wanted to let you know that starting August 2022, you’ll no longer be able to send MOBI (.mobi, .azw) files to your Kindle library. Any MOBI files already in your library will not be affected by this change. MOBI is an older file format and won’t support the newest Kindle features for documents. Any existing MOBI files you want to read with our most up-to-date features for documents will need to be re-sent in a compatible format.

Compatible formats now include EPUB (.epub), which you can send to your library using your Send to Kindle email address. We’ll also be adding EPUB support to the free Kindle app for iOS and Android devices and the Send to Kindle desktop app for PC and Mac. 」

2022年8月開始 .mobi, .azw就無法再使用了,看來是.epub會是未來主要支援的格式。


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