AutoHotkey v2腳本如何把輸出寫到標準輸出(stdout)呢?寫資料到stdout只要把輸出檔名寫成字串星號就可以,例如:
FileAppend "Hello", "*"
透過副檔名關聯的方法執行仍然有相同錯誤,但以AutoHotkey64.exe執行檔直接執行再 Pipe 給 more 就成功了。
AutoHotkey.chm 說明文件裡的標準輸出說明:
Standard Output (stdout): Specifying an asterisk (*) for Filename causes Text to be sent to standard output (stdout). Such text can be redirected to a file, piped to another EXE, or captured by fancy text editors. For example, the following would be valid if typed at a command prompt:
"%ProgramFiles%\AutoHotkey\AutoHotkey.exe" "My Script.ahk" >"Error Log.txt"
However, text sent to stdout will not appear at the command prompt it was launched from. This can be worked around by 1) compiling the script with the Ahk2Exe ConsoleApp directive, or 2) piping a script's output to another command or program. For example:
"%ProgramFiles%\AutoHotkey\AutoHotkey.exe" "My Script.ahk" |more
For /F "tokens=*" %L in ('""%ProgramFiles%\AutoHotkey\AutoHotkey.exe" "My Script .ahk""') do @Echo %L
Specifying two asterisks (**) for Filename causes Text to be sent to the standard error stream (stderr).
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