其實Andy Matuschaky的Evergreen notes就是盧曼的卡片,只是在數位時代就不用拘泥於ZK ID,只要把檔名(筆記標題)命名為能涵蓋筆記中心概念的名稱即可(“Prefer note titles with complete phrases to sharpen claims”)。
Andy Matuschaky對他的Evergreen note列了5個原則,其中的atomic、concept-oriented等,都是在說明:一則Evergreen note應該就是只有一個概念,而且也只能有一個概念,因為唯有只有一個概念,才能很容易的被重用(reuse) 、很方便的被鏈接。Evergreen note就是樂高(Lego)的零件,每個都是獨立的存在,分別扮演不同的功能,但組合後能成為完整的迷人模型。
1. Evergreen notes should be atomic
2. Evergreen notes should be densely linked
3. Evergreen notes should be concept-oriented
4. Prefer associative ontologies to hierarchical taxonomies
5. Write notes for yourself by default, disregarding audience
因為Andy Matuschaky是軟體開發人員,因此他也用了模組(模块)來形容Evergreen note,又將標題當做API(Evergreen note titles are like APIs)。這個想法其實跟軟體工程中的loose coupling、high cohesion(低耦合性與高凝聚力)非常類似,目標都是為了Reusable。
因為Evergreen note都是實在、清晰的概念,因此我們可以在幾分鐘內就完成它。經過不斷的review與精鍊,Evergreen note就會越發穩固。
These small, self-contained notes represent regular checkpoints. Each note takes only a few minutes to write, but because they’re Evergreen notes, each note is solid ground to stand on—fairly complete relative to its own concept (Evergreen notes should be concept-oriented). Of course, we’ll iterate on their contents over time, but each time we do, that note will remain a mostly-complete, self-contained unit.
Andy Matuschaky原文在此:https://publish.obsidian.md/andymatuschak/Evergreen+notes您可能也會有興趣的類似文章
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